Algebra Relationships
This page contains the list of lessons on angle relationships. Each lesson consists of a math video, study tips and practice questions to help you to learn better.
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Lesson Description
Two or more angles can be related if certain conditions are met. Here, we will learn how to identify these kind of angles and use the correct term to describe them.
The different types of relationships are listed below:
- Congruent Angles
- Vertical Angles
- Complementary Angles
- Supplementary Angles
- Adjacent Angles
You can proceed to the lessons below:

Topic Lessons
Congruent Angles
In this lesson, we will learn about congruent angles...
Supplementary Angles
In this lesson, we will learn about supplementary angles...
Complementary Angles
In this lesson, we will learn about complementary angles...
Adjacent Angles
In this lesson, we will learn about adjacent angles...
Vertical Angles
In this lesson, we will learn about vertical angles...