Cartesian Plane (Coordinate Plane) Lessons
This page contains lessons on the Cartesian Plane (Coordinate Plane). Here, you can learn about the plane, how to plot points on the plane and more. Each lesson consists of a math video, study tips and practice questions.
*Note that for now onwards, we will using the term 'Coordinate Plane'
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Lesson Description
The lessons below will introduce to you the coordinate plane and will show you how to plot points on the plane.
Note that, these are the basics needed before you can graph and analyze equations.
The lessons below will explain more in depth...

Topic Lessons
The Coordinate Plane
This page contains lessons on the Cartesian plane (Coordinate plane). Here, you can learn about it, how to plot points on the plane and more...
Coordinates of a Point
Learn how to read and write the coordinates of a point...