Exponent Rules (Exponent Laws) Lessons
This page contains the list of lessons on Exponent Rules (Exponent Laws). Each lesson consist of a math video, study tips and practice questions.
*Note that for now onwards, we will using the term 'Exponent Laws'
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Lesson Description
The lessons below are about the law of exponents. These lessons will cover the basic ideas behind all the six laws and will show some examples on using them.
The lessons below will explain more in depth...

Topic Lessons
Exponent Laws - Part 1
This lesson shows you the basics behind the first three exponent laws. You will also see how these laws are derived...
Exponent Laws - Part 2
This lesson shows you the basics behind the next three exponent laws. You will learn how these laws are derived...
Exponent Laws - Examples
This lesson shows you some examples on using the exponent laws that you have learned in the previous lessons.
Fractional Exponents
This lesson shows you the basics behind fractional exponents and how they are related to roots.