Convert Fraction to Percent

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In this lesson, we will learn how to convert fraction to percent.

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About This Lesson

In this lesson, we will:

  • Learn the basics behind converting fraction to percent
  • Learn the steps to quickly perform the conversion.
  • See some examples on using these steps.

The study tips and math video below will explain more.

converting fraction to percent

Study Tips

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Tip #1

A fraction can be converted to percent. The example below shows how you can quickly convert 3/5 to percent:

  1. First, we multiply the fraction with 100 as shown below.

    multiply 3/5 with 100
  2. Next, we multiply 100 with the fraction's numerator, 3. This gives 300.

    100 multiply by 3 gives 300
  3. Now, we divide 300 with the fraction's denominator, 5. This gives 60. Don't forget to include the % sign to show that the calculated number is 'per' 100 (i.e. percent). After conversion, we have 60%.

    300 divides by 5 gives 60%

The math video below will give more explanations on this. Also, we will see some examples on it.

Math Video

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Math Video Transcript

In this lesson, we will learn how to convert fraction to percent.

Consider this fraction, 2/5. Now, this fraction can be visualized by this bar.

The denominator 5, means that this bar is divided into 5 equal parts.

The numerator 2 means that 2 out of 5 parts are selected, as shown by these green parts.

Now, let's see some explanation on converting this fraction, 2/5, to percent.

Note that, we will learn a quicker way to do the conversion later.

Let's start. First, we multiply 2/5, with 100.

Now, we know that 100 is the same as, 100/1. With this, we are now multiplying these 2 fractions.

Multiplying these fractions gives, (2x100)/(5x1).

Simplifying this term gives, 200/5.

Next, 200 divided by 5 gives, 40. Since we are finding the percentage, it is important to include the percent sign.

So we have, 40%.

Visually, we can see that when the fraction is 2/5, the green parts take up 40% of the entire bar. When the numerator is 3, the green parts now take up 60% of the entire bar.

Next, when the numerator is 4, the green parts takes up 80% of the entire bar.

Similarly, when the numerator is 5, which the same as the denominator, the green parts take up 100% of the entire bar.

Alright, let's change this fraction back to 2/5.

Now, let's learn the quicker way to convert fraction to percent, using the following steps.

We can start by multiplying this fraction with 100.

Next, we multiply 100 with the numerator, 2. This gives 200.

Then, we divide 200 with the denominator, 5. By doing so, we get 40.

Since we are calculating the percentage, it is important to include the percent sign.

Finally, we have 40%. This is the same value that was calculated earlier.

Let's see another example. Convert 3/4 to percent.

Again, we start by multiplying the fraction 3/4, with 100.

Next, we take 100 and multiply it with 3. This gives, 300.

Now, we take 300 and divide it with the denominator, 4. By doing so, we get 75.

Remember, it is important to include the percent sign.

Finally, we have 75%. Visually, we can see the 75% here.

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