Interest Formulas Lessons
This page contains the list of lessons on interest formulas (covers simple interest and compound interest). Each lesson consist of a math video, study tips and practice questions.
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Lesson Description
When we take up a loan, we will have to pay extra money for using the loan. This extra money is called interest.
There are several types of interest. The lessons below will touch on:
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
Here, we will learn the basics behind these two types of interest. Also, we will see how we can derive the formulas for these interests and see some examples on using them.

Topic Lessons
Formula for Simple Interest
This lesson explains the basics behind simple interest and shows how to derive the formula needed to calculate the interest. This lesson also covers the maturity value formula...
How to Calculate Simple Interest
In this lesson, we will see some examples on how to calculate simple interest...
Formula for Compound Interest
In this lesson, we will learn about the basics behind compound interest and see how to derive the formula for it...
How to Calculate Compound Interest
In this lesson, we will see some examples on how to calculate compound interest...