Solve the following linear equation:
It is easier to find x if we remove the denominator, 3, from the equation. To do so, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 3.
Now, both 3 cancel off each other. We successfully removed the denominator.
The equation becomes:
Notice that, to continue further, we need to remove the brackets in the Right hand Side (RHS).
Now, 2 multiply by x gives 3x.
Next, 3 multiply by +2 gives +6.
Notice that we can remove 3x by adding -3x to both sides of the equation. Now the equation becomes:
On the RHS, 3x and -3x cancel off. We now have:
We can add 2x with -3x. This gives -x
Also, notice that we can remove +4 on the LHS by adding -4 to both sides of the equation. Now the equation becomes:
+4 and -4 cancel off. We now have:
Now, on the RHS, minus 6 with 4 gives 2.
The equation becomes -x = 2.
Now, we can get x by multiplying both sides by -1. The equation becomes:
Now, -1 multiplying by -x gives x. Similarly, -1 multiplying by 2 gives -2.
Therefore we get x = -2. The answer is C.
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